Windham Fabrics, 2021
Five + Ten is inspired by a variety store on Cape Cod, near the beach where I spent all the summers of my youth. The shop was wide open to the summer weather via huge garage doors, and had just about anything and everything you could want and need while on vacation.

The store was crammed to the rafters with all things bright and beachy – giant floaties and rafts, beach towels, sun hats, baskets, beach buckets and balls. For rainy days there were dozens of puzzles, time-warp board games, and decks of cards, and of course postcards galore to send home to your friends, and every kind of tacky touristy souvenir.

My favorite sections were the magazines and comic books – I was an Archie's fan (especially Betty & Veronica) and loved the newsprint smell they had – that scent can still transport me back to my bunk in our beach trailer with the rain loud over my head – and CANDY!!! The color palette of Five +Ten is influenced by the inspired color combos and funky type on the candy wrappers I remember like Gobstoppers, Turkish Taffy, Chiclets, Hot Balls, and Lemonheads and so many more!
I love the vibrant, crayon-color palette of Five + Ten. It feels happy and bright in quilts, clothes for kids, and accessories for the beach or home that will keep on shining no matter the weather.

Here I am during our photo shoot for Five + Ten, pretending to drink from a vintage Schmidt's beer can, posing with the My Sunshine quilt sample.
I love it in my quilt patterns, like Between the Lines.