

FreeSpirit Fabrics 2015

We never quite leave our childhood behind – memories are embedded in the scents, sounds, and sights of our youth. The smell of fresh-cut grass and pine trees, the feel of the sun warming the top of my head, the sound of buzzing cicadas or Keds crunching on gravel – any of these can instantly transport me back to the freedom of childhood summers.



Eastham (like Five + Ten) was inspired by summers spent on Cape Cod, MA. My grandmother Mae had a cottage in Eastham. At low tide we kids could walk forever over the sandbars in the bay, the clear water cooling our ankles as we scooped up all kinds of treasures – beautiful smooth seaglass, sparkling stones, shells and seaweed.  Once back on the shore, these treasures could be fashioned into any number of inventions - fortresses, castles, glamorous jewels.


The days stretched on and the possibilities were endless. Of course there were no cell phones or computers to distract you from your own imagination! My Eastham fabrics feel like those vintage summers on Cape Cod – joyful, slow, and full of discovery.   


My Calico Swing pattern was originally made in Eastham.


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